Sunday, December 17, 2006


Issue: The famous rapper (insert name) said it best when he said 'Mo money, mo problems.' I'm already thinking about how I'm going to spend money I'm not close to earning yet. I want: a new car, a better sound system in the new car, a phone/pda with internet, to eat out, HDTV, a Playstation 3, cable television, and on and on. Technically, I'm in the lowest pay bracket I'll ever be in my life, and already I can't find enough ways to spend money. What happens when I actually have money to spend?

Conversation with Josh:
What is money good for? I mean, if I make more money, then I just buy nicer things than what I already have, right? Even if I have millions of dollars, it can't buy me security. Money still exists outside of real security (ie. peace of mind and heart). So, what's the point of getting money? (we like questions)

1.) Money is good for making things... not buying produced things, but for buying raw things to produce something yourself or with other people. This stuff is called ART. You don't need money to create, but you can creat more complex art with more money (sometimes... obviously this does not apply to hollywood blockbuster films or anything).

2.) Money is good for giving away. Even though it can't buy anyone else real security or happiness, it can temporarily help with other needs.

People can have all kinds of money, and the next day, sometimes literally, it's gone. Other people never have money their whole lives, and are no better or worse off.

All this being said, I still want money. I still want my HDTV and my nice sound system. God help me.

Mae. Check them out! I've been in love with them the last week or so. Great songs, lyrics, melodies... ugh. Good.

I'm going to bust open soon about this whole church discussion Josh and I had a while back... well, have been having for the last 5 months. Later, though.

Eyes open. Ears aware. Mouth ready to talk. You know where to find me.

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