So, today has been interesting.
First, let me give some context. I moved to Los Angeles on Monday (after actually running out of gas in Utah due to lack of gas stations for a 200 mile stretch (with no signs)). I had two interviews on Wednesday: 1 at a small management company called Management 101. I really loved the guy who conducted my interview... he's really cool. Then I went on to visit Whitehouse Post. There, I had a good time and chatted with some cool producers.
Whitehouse told me to call them if I had anything come up elsewhere. So, sure enough, later that afternoon, I get a call from Jay at Management 101.
Jay-"Hey Collin, I've got some great news!"
Me - "What's up?"
Jay- "I'm offering you the internship!"
Me - "Wow, that's great, I have a few questions about some stuff..."
I had to tell him that I had another option on the table from Whitehouse... although that was mostly wishful thinking. But now I certainly had a job offer (an unpaid, full time, four month internship). So, I told Jay that I had to figure some stuff out with a Post House before I could give him an answer.
Next, I called up Whitehouse (while Josh and I were stuck in rush hour traffic in Santa Monica) and told them I had an offer. They politely told me they'd call me back in the morning. Cool. So, I wait. And wait.
Nothing happens.
Finally as Josh and I are trying to prepare a budget, my phone rings. Whitehouse wants me to come in for an interview with the Executive Producer and one of the Partners.
Instantly, I'm thinking they're going to hire me. I'm going to chat with them for a while, give them affirmation they're making the right decision, then they'll shake my hand and say "Welcome to the company!" and then they'll introduce me to everyone.
All that happened, except for the stuff including and after the hand shake. I just chatted with them for 35 minutes, and then left. A litle crushing, but I'm grateful for the opportunity. I hope they'll call back soon.
In the mean time, I've already declined the management company offer. I just have a feeling that Whitehouse will work out.
And that brings me to something else. While I was in Turkey, just before I wrote my e-mail to Jen at Whitehouse Chicago, I had this feeling in my chest that everything would work out with Whitehouse. It was this extreme peace and satisfaction. Was God promising me a position at Whitehouse? My first response was no b/c Jen replied to my e-mail by saying they didn't have anything for me.
I was crushed. And that little bit of a downer carried all the way over until I got the phone call this afternoon for the real interview with the EP an Partner. God promised that's I'd get a job at Whitehouse, i think, and that promise has carried all through my ups and downs, my faith in that promise and my rejection of that promise. Right now, I'm on an up, a high. I feel that when they call back next, they will have a job for me.
If not, maybe Whitehouse London or New York. I obviously am not able to see God's larger plan. I had no idea three months ago that I'd be in LA right now writing this e-mail about how everything is about to go down with Whitehouse LA. What a journey. What a ride.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Monday, September 04, 2006
Thought X

Pretty exciting stuff happening on the job front today...
I got an e-mail back from a post house that needs a machine room tech guy. I wrote them last night and they must have wrote back really fast, but I didn't get it until a couple hours ago. Anyhoo, they wanted me in for an interview Tuesday (today) at 5:30. That would have been sweet, but obviously I'm in Topeka, KS right now... not exactly all that close to LA. But it's still exciting to get an offer like that... again, it was only an interview, but still pretty exciting.
I purchased a couple of books today... both by Brian McLaren: 1. Missin the Point (co-author Tony Campolo), 2. General Orhodoxy. I'm pretty excited about reading them after I finish Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard. I guess one thing that hit me while skimming those books at Borders was this: Both men in 'Missing the Point' seemed to be saying that relying on Jesus is the center of the Christain faith. How do I rely on Jesus? Is that an arrogent question?
Something cool from 'Missing the Point' was when both authors talked about how a common mishap of Christians (myself included) is to think of life and salvation as the end of 'the journey'. They compared it to all these people running a race, and stopping three or four strided past the start line and celebrating. After a while, the spectators grow tired of watching these people miss the point and they go on to run the race. I'm learning that Jesus' death grants me entrance into heaven, but also communion with God here and now. (this is terribly out of context, but you can read it if you wish... it's the chapter about salvation... one of the first chapters in the book.)
Today, when I was hangin with Dennis, I remembered Oliver Simmons. He's a Jahova's Witness, and has been as long as I can remember (which goes way back to 1st grade btw.) Now, when I think of him, I think of someone who was probably the nicest guy I know... was always so gentle (even though he was a physically strong man) and kind. He hardly ever said anything bad about anyone, was fast to give out compliments, and always seemed to have a smile on his face. From what I'm told to believe, he's part of a cult, and oh yeah, by the way, he's going to burn in hell.
So, this burns me up a bit. I've trusted my life to Jesus. So, I have a place in heaven. But, Oliver seems to be running the race (living life) in a much more life giving way than me. He's doing a much better job of bringing God's kingdom (as far as treating people as Jesus treated people). I guess, when it all comes to head, he still isn't perfect, and niether am I. But, b/c I've trusted my life to Christ, I'm 'saved' and he's not. Hard to swallow, but I guess it sounds more reasonable when I write it out. Trusting your life to Chirst is the key... living life therafter is the hard part. With all the love God has shown me, how come I don't wake up in the morning and say, "How can I share with someone else the love God has given me?" I haven't ever done that throughout a day, and many times I have not even thought about that at all. And, burning in my still, Oliver has done that a lot, maybe intentionally, maybe not, but he's done it. I can testify to that.
Ephesians: For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith -- and this, not of yourselves, it is a gift from God -- not by works so that no one can boast.
I'm boasting for Oliver. But, can he not have true communion with God b/c he follows a misleading religion? I guess his religion is all based on works.. not observing birthdays, Christmas, school mascots, no drinking alcohol... etc. Maybe he is in to following strict guidelines... but he certainly has a good heart. And I guess I'm distressed there is no hope for him currently.
Today, I met with Katie for lunch. It was fun to laugh and talk and tell stories. She really brings out a fun side of me that's not always present elsewhere. With some of my guy friends, I get a competative attitude, with other girls, I try to hard to impress them... even though they probably don't care. But, with Katie, it's chill. Laughs and smiles are always around. It was a fun couple of hours.
I am leaving this place in just four days... and seeing all these wonderful people makes me sad it's comming so soon.
-C P
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Ok, so things are really moving now. I'm back in KS for a while, then off to the great unknown known as Los Angeles. Some good news is already coming in: Josh has an internship at Scott Free productions which will give him some great experience to list on his resume, plus some great people to impress. I have an interview with Whitehouse on Sept. 12, and I'm looking forward to that. I guess interview may be jumping the gun b/c it may be more of an informational meeting. Either way, I'll get to meet people and hopefully they like me.
As I think more about what's going on... like what I'm really doing right now, the more I realize that I need to be focused on what it is exactly I want to do. I can't just take some job anywhere b/c that's not going to help me in the long run, necessarily. What if I take a job at a company that edits American Idol, but what I actually want to do is edit feature films... then I may just be stuck editing something I have never wanted to do. While that wouldn't be the end of the world, it wouldn't be using what I feel is my passion.
I hope I can do some more research and figure out exactly where I want to work and the pathway I need to take to get there... maybe a lot of that is God and His direction, and maybe I have to seek to be able to find, knock to have the door opened etc... (not in a salvation sense, but a desire sense.)
On a major side note, I did get a rough cut of Birth Control done, and it's awesome.. except for the audio problems... all minor in nature -- it's just that there's lots of minor problems. Josh and I screened it at Chicago Filmmakers last Saturday and had a blast with Katie and Dan and the rest of the cast/crew. I had much fun displaying all their hard work to them.
Peace out!
As I think more about what's going on... like what I'm really doing right now, the more I realize that I need to be focused on what it is exactly I want to do. I can't just take some job anywhere b/c that's not going to help me in the long run, necessarily. What if I take a job at a company that edits American Idol, but what I actually want to do is edit feature films... then I may just be stuck editing something I have never wanted to do. While that wouldn't be the end of the world, it wouldn't be using what I feel is my passion.
I hope I can do some more research and figure out exactly where I want to work and the pathway I need to take to get there... maybe a lot of that is God and His direction, and maybe I have to seek to be able to find, knock to have the door opened etc... (not in a salvation sense, but a desire sense.)
On a major side note, I did get a rough cut of Birth Control done, and it's awesome.. except for the audio problems... all minor in nature -- it's just that there's lots of minor problems. Josh and I screened it at Chicago Filmmakers last Saturday and had a blast with Katie and Dan and the rest of the cast/crew. I had much fun displaying all their hard work to them.
Peace out!
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